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Knowledgebase : Windows Hosting
WHAT IS WEB.CONFIG? WEB.CONFIG is the main settings and configuration file for an ASP.NET WEB APPLICATION. The file is an XML document that defines configuration information regarding the web application.This file stores the information about how the web application will act. The web.config file contains information that controls module loading, security configuration, session state configu...
CHANGING READ/WRITE-PERMISSIONS UNDER PLESK WINDOWS HOSTING If your application giving errors for any specific folders you can easily change folder Read/Write permissions with below steps. 1) Login to your Plesk control panel interface. - (For Plesk v10) Go to Websites & Domains -> File Manager - (For Plesk v9) Go to Domains -> -> File Manager 2) Browse to the file/...
Requirements : 1) Create an MSSQL database and database user using Plesk under the domain that needs the DB. 2) Install SQL Server Management Studio SQL Server Management Studio is a free software which you can download from Microsoft website. [1] To connect to the Database Engine: * In Management Studio, on the File menu, c...
The following article explains how to create a new domain (website) through the Plesk Control Panel. This will create a domain name, assign a client, assign an IP address and allow you to configure the various options for the website. This can be performed by the administrator as well as a user granted the proper permissions. To create a new Domain, please follow these steps: Open a web b...
FastWebHost Windows Hosting Some of important plesk live flash tutorials : Using File Manager : Creating mysql DB : Managing DB using PHP Myadmin : ...
1) Login to your Parallels Plesk Panel. 2) Click on the Reseller Accounts icon under the Accounts section. 3) Click on the Create reseller Account icon. 4) Fill in the required fields for the new Reseller Account. 5) Click on the Next button. 6) Fill in the required fields for the resource usage. 7) Click on the Next button. 8) Tick the permissions you would like to give to the new client and clic...
Please use following connection string syntax for connecting MSSQL DB from your ASP/.NET scripts. This is a sample connection string which you can use with MS SQL 2005 / 2008 , ASP.NET 3.5 and above versions. You need to create below connection string in web.config file.
WEB.CONFIG FILE SETTINGS: The web.config file is a critical component for all but the simplest .NET web applications. It has two main functions, to store information about the website itself - things like scripting language used, .NET components available to the site, etc. and to store configuration information for the site - database connection strings, etc. The file has grown as .NET has deve...
WEB BASED DATABASE ADMINISTRATION ON WINDOWS SHARED HOSTING On our Windows Shared servers we have two different types of databases. * MSSQL * MySQL Web administrator is available only for MySQL, and it is called PHPMyAdmin. Due to licensing restrictions and server performance issues, we DO NOT have a web administrator for MSSQL. If you need to connect remotely to your MSSQL server D...
All Windows Shared hosting plans come with the following software versions at this time: Webserver : Microsoft IIS 10.0 Plesk Version : Plesk for Windows 17.0.17 OS : ‪Microsoft Windows Server 2016‬ Database server : MySQLServer 5.6.33 : Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) 13.0.1601.5 MSSQL Webadmin : myLittleAdmin 3.8 r.0071 MYSQL Webadmin : phpMyAdmin 4.6.6 Mail Server : MailEnable Stan...