Knowledgebase: Windows Hosting
Changing Read/Write-permissions under Plesk Windows hosting
Posted by RAJU K, Last modified by RAJU K on 13 December 2012 10:55 PM

Changing Read/Write-permissions under Plesk Windows hosting


If your application giving errors for any specific folders you can easily change folder Read/Write permissions with below steps.


1) Login to your Plesk control panel interface.

             - (For Plesk v10) Go to Websites & Domains -> File Manager

             - (For Plesk v9) Go to Domains -> -> File Manager

2)  Browse to the file/directory in question.  In the case of a directory, do not browse into the destination directory.

3) Click the padlock icon to the far-right to edit permissions.

4) Click to highlight the necessary user account. 

         In the case of ASP, PHP, or Perl scripts select "Plesk IIS User". 

         In the case of ASP.NET scripts select "Plesk IIS WP User".

5) Click the "Allow" checkbox for "Full Control".

6) Click OK to save changes.


Please contact our technical support if you have any trouble in setting permissions for your folders.

Comments (1)
30 June 2014 06:16 AM
I uploaded a php script to my sever but anytime i try to access it from the url in my browser.. I get an error saying " you dont not have permission to access this folder"note.. I am using plesk
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