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Knowledgebase : VPS Tutorials
INTRODUCTION TO UBUNTU OS When you first building a new Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04/10 server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the basic setup.This will increase the security and usability of your server and will give you a solid foundation for subsequent actions. STEP ONE — ROOT LOGIN To log into your server, you will need to know your server's public IP...
THE BASICS When you first begin to access your fresh new virtual private server, there are a few early steps you should take to make it more secure. Some of the first tasks can include setting up a new user, providing them with the proper privileges, and configuring SSH. STEP ONE—ROOT LOGIN Once you know your IP address and root password, login as the main user, root. It is not encouraged to...
THE BASICS Once new VPS is ready, it is important to create a new user and provide it with root privileges. This not only makes your virtual server more secure, but also prevents any drastic system damage/change that can happen when operating as root. 1) ROOT LOGIN Once you know your IP address, login as the "root" user from the command line. ssh Prompt: Are you sure you ...
BASIC VPS SOFTWARE: By default, FastWebHost provides VPS with basic OS installation with unmanaged service. You can use the server for any application hosting ( WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or any development apps) and customize it. Things get complicated to setup domains on a plain server If you are not a Linux administrator or with limited Linux knowledge. If you are looking to host websites o...
OVERVIEW PuTTY is a free software application for Windows 95, 98, XP, Vista, 7 and 10 which can be used to make an SSH connection to your server. REQUIREMENTS Before you start, you'll need: * Your VPS SSH login credentials. Please check VPS Welcome email. STEP ONE—DOWLOAD PUTTY To log into your VPS on windows, you will need to have PuTTY, an SSH client, installed on your computer. If y...
1) HOW TO START/SHUTDOWN MY VPS SERVER? You can Start/Stop/Reboot server from your billing manager. Once you login to billing click on MY PRODUCTS & SERVICES  >>  VIEW DETAILS Once you open VPS page, you can see all the features to Start/Stop/Shutdown/Recovery and Reboot buttons. Just click respective operation to do on your server. 2) CAN I SSH TO MY SERVER? Absolutely. You can use any stan...
  * Login to your WebHost Manager control panel. * On the left menu click on GENERATE A SSL CERTIFICATE AND SIGNING REQUEST. * In the GENERATE A NEW CERTIFICATE SIGNING REQUEST section, enter the following information: EMAIL - Your email address where the CSR will be sent. PASSWORD - Make up a password to be associated with the certificate. You will need to remember this password ...
We've put together a little guide to help you reduce the risk of your your LAMP based servers from getting hacked. LAMP is one of the most popularly used Application Stacks. It stands for Linux, Apache, PHP and MySQL. MITIGATE THE RISKS OF YOUR SERVERS BEING ATTACKED GENERAL SECURITY GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED FOR SECURING YOUR WEB SERVER * Sign up for updates and announcements from the Web...
The hostname is an ARBITRARY IDENTIFIER for your VPS. It can be either a FULLY QUALIFIED DOMAIN NAME (FQDN) or a SINGLE WORD. It must be AT LEAST 4 CHARACTERS. It may not contain any underscores. If you want to buy a domain name to use here, you will need to do so first here => [].
CHANGING THE HOSTNAME You'll need to set your system's hostname and fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Your hostname should be something unique. Note that the system's hostname has no relationship to websites or email services hosted on it, aside from providing a name for the system itself. Your hostname should _not_ be "www" or anything too generic. Hostname's examples, "server1", "wwwbox2", ...