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Knowledgebase : Pre-Sales > Reseller plans help
Yes, you can upgrade to a higher reseller plan at anytime. You just need to order upgrade plan from [] as an existing customer.
No. We do not provide "fantastico" skin for reseller plans at this time. It's only for general hosting plans.
Yes, all our RESELLER PACKAGES support our resellers to host UNLIMITED DOMAINS. We only charge you for your plan and do not charge you to add domains to your account.
We provide you Web Host Manager ( WHM ) for managing your client accounts and CPANEL for your site and client site hosting management.
On all our hosting and reseller plans, 2 Full eCommerce Shopping Carts are included free of charge. Listed below is a little description about them and links to shopping cart hompage links: 1) [] osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution under on going development by the open source community. Its feature packed out-of-the-box installati...
We can't provide support to your clients as you are responsible for your business. We provide all technical support only to the reseller. You have to take care of your clients customer support and billing.
  * Login to your WebHost Manager control panel. * On the left menu click on GENERATE A SSL CERTIFICATE AND SIGNING REQUEST. * In the GENERATE A NEW CERTIFICATE SIGNING REQUEST section, enter the following information: EMAIL - Your email address where the CSR will be sent. PASSWORD - Make up a password to be associated with the certificate. You will need to remember this password ...