Knowledgebase: Pre-Sales > Reseller plans help
How to create a CSR and install a SSL Certificate in WHM
Posted by Rupi Singh, Last modified by Rupi Singh on 13 August 2015 11:01 PM
  1. Login to your WebHost Manager control panel.

  2. On the left menu click on Generate a SSL Certificate and Signing Request.

  3. In the Generate a New Certificate Signing Request section, enter the following information:

    Email - Your email address where the CSR will be sent.

    Password - Make up a password to be associated with the certificate. You will need to remember this password later.

    Host - The domain that you enetered or selected when generating the private key.

    City - The city in which your organization is located.

    State - The state in which your organization is located. Do not use an abbreviation.

    Country - Your two-digit country code.

    Company Name - The legally registered name of your organization/company.

    Company Division - The name of your department within the organization (frequently this entry will be listed as "IT," "Web Security," or is simply left blank).

  4. Click the Create button.


    Your “CSR” should look similar to this:

    MIIDBDCCAewCAQAwgaIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQIDAJ2YTEXMBUGA1UE BwwOVklSR0lOSUEgQkVBQ0gxEzARBgNVBAoMCm15IGNvbXBhbnkxGzAZBgNVBAsM EmFjY291bnRzICBiaWxsYWJsZTEUMBIGA1UEAwwLZXhhbXBsZS5jb20xJTAjBgkq hkiG9w0BCQEWFmpvaG5wYXVsYmltaEBnbWFpbC5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC71pAAJ+R2pFahbxNba2amArYf2sihhlJY7JCTO5Cr S+CcHH7SoWfdasf sedfasffdGButpAgFLYzbMtmP2nT0M0wfPvCwA0eyheli24wn3bM2e oxxN78CUNUfWZZUfGh3ppq0XJpnu7dncSzomQuSH5BAxi+riK76oA9nNkTY/3aUG DOcKZmkEYuZaNeA9EAew7R04TM5YW2WReecrHQ1Ay0AtRvbtQBlQNNNnrfZlakob Yk0OBleS+8Sf5tXl7et13BKNEYfhY8Xj5Ag5xxSdrWoT46L2RzmtSvV1gc946Kcl 0N7tZe3ydTCeA8kcMG4gpz5W7y6JePjOV5bk8qPBIIjRAgMBAAGgHDAaBgkqhkiG 9w0BCQcxDQwLR2V0MW5Nb3Rpb24wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBACU/ZpVJPvqG jiri+Gtov2Hi1Kqd7NE+RjHUL3eZvd/EoZGRFu871ZcFiMQLxSwdP3ssrHF6aQRW 9MrVd1/k2M5qzmxf3Vd/bklWMYOhsniW8aG778893IAdqXIF+iZAeX95543kb5qQ Ji0yw0fcBZb6wAroMqAtDPWNySK6DF/hOSNvLZ7BsUdsKq5R5NzYrUKnzB4m/dnF /2gFm5apPdXJvmXbuNGVFZ3VBi40mafWwJ0kjMVqNgCE0qr97W0bBHCHCZ5vYQZz JOvexPVsrJQUYHcTe0REk73XUAHtgIhpxUQ8uZrLQXUHoRcDiharJgTal9YQnPZc 78TaTKV0NtU=

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