We bill Paypal or Credit Card of your choice.
If you paid using a credit card, you will be charged automatically
every month, on the same day you signed up or renewal day as per your
billing cycle. We accept Master, Visa, Discover and American Express
credit and check cards.
We will send a welcome email as soon as your order is fully processed.
Due to the high volume of incoming orders during the sale, our
delivery of new accounts may be somewhat delayed.
Please remain patient as we work diligently to fulfill all orders as
quickly as possible.
Yes! Current customers are welcome to join in and take advantage of
this great offer; however, the offer is only applicable to newly
created hosting packages.That means the discount does not apply to
extensions, renewals or upgrades of existing hosting packages.
Please note that your existing hosting package cannot be canceled and
transferred to a new package in order to receive the discount.
Unfortunately, the discount cannot be applied to renewals, upgrades or
extensions of existing hosting packages.
The discount offered for domain names only applies to newly purchased
domain names. It cannot be applied to renewals or transfers.
The discount is only applicable to the first invoice. If you would
like to maximize your savings, you should order your new package for
the longest billing cycle available on our signup page.
FastWebHost often offers promotions, coupons and special offers to
customers during their initial term. Please note that special offers
are limited-time promotional prices that are available to new
customers and are valid for the Initial Term only, and not for
successive or renewal periods.
FastWebHost shared hosting plans typically renew at the regular rate.
Regular rates for most FastWebHost h...