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Knowledgebase : Website Hosting > CGI and PERL Scripts
Owner = the files user (you) Group = the files group Others = others Permissions Definitions: r = read access x = execute access w = write access Numerical Definitions: r = 4 w = 2 x = 1 You will come to recognize, if you do not already, Chmod as a word used for changing Permissions from within Telnet or your FTP client. Some scripts will tell you to chmod 775 (for example). When...
There are lot of reasons for cgi and perl scripts not working. You can do a small test on your cgi-bin. Please see below steps. 1) Create file in notepad or any text editor with the following code: ------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-Type: text/htmlnn"; print "Cgi-bin and perl test "; ------------------------- 2) upload script to cgi-bin folder in the ASCII mod...
All .CGI and .PL can only be executed in cgi-bin at this time.
Here are the steps you need to follow to setup bnbform on your site: 1. Download this zip file that has all the following files [] Files Description readme.txt bnbform.cgi bnbform.htm mymessage.baut oops.htm thanks.htm Detail setup and configure instructions The script Sample form that use the script Auto response mess...
Below are solutions to some of the most common CGI script problems. When I activate my CGI program, I get back a page that says "Internal Server Error. The server encountered an internal error or mis-configuration and was unable to complete your request." This is generally caused by a problem within the script. Check your script settings again to see that you have entered the correct server in...
Before executing scripts you need to follow the steps below to avoid any errors: 1) You need to upload your script to the "CGI-BIN" directory. 2) Make sure you upload them in ASCII mode. 3) Change permissions to 755 for the script (chmod 755 ). Then you can access your script via [] NOTE: YOU CAN...
The following scripts are banned from use on our servers and may not be uploaded or run. Reasons for banning them include adverse effects on server load, invitations to hackers/spammers/criminal activity, etc. IRC egg drops Proxy servers Mail bombers Anonymous mailers Optin Lists Mass Mailing scripts IP spoofers Port scanners nph-proxy UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board, all versions) Ikonbo...
CGI SCRIPTS must be set with executable file PERMISSIONS, or requests for the script from the web server will result in an INTERNAL SERVER ERROR. Scripts that need to be executable should have their permission set with CHMOD 755. This sets the file's permissions so that the file's owner may read, write, and execute the file; and anyone else can only read and execute it.
Server Side Includes (SSI) When using a UNIX/LINUX system it is sometimes necessary to enable certain HTML files executable for the purpose of using SSI. Server Side Includes are often used to run a cgi script. An include is called with an example such as this: After you insert your include, you must mark the HTML file as executable so the server will parse the file. This is done using the two op...
------------------------- THE FOLLOWING SERVER RESOURCE PATHS ARE APPLICABLE TO ONLY CPANEL CUSTOMERS. ------------------------- PERL PATH ( VERSION 5.006001 ) : /usr/bin/perl ABSOLUTE PATH FOR YOUR HTML FILES/SCRIPTS: /home/username/public_html/ ABSOLUTE PATH FOR YOUR CGI-BIN : /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/ SENDMAIL: /usr/sbin/sendmail DATE: /bin/date JAVA: /usr/bin/java WHOI...
You need to upload all your .CGI or .PL scripts in "CGI-BIN" folder only. You can find "CGI-BIN" folder in the "PUBLIC_HTML" folder.
You can download bnbform.cgi from [] Bnbform.cgi is very easy to setup and more secure than other scripts. Install bnbform.cgi on your site as per installation instructions. We also highly recommend
Internal Server Error (500) errors are typically, something wrong in the syntax of your script. Most often you should check to make sure you have the path to PERL correct. Currently we are running Perl5 on our servers. The correct path to PERL is: #!/usr/bin/perl Here are the correct paths to the common server resources that CGI scripts often require: Perl version 5.006001: /usr/bin/perl Absol...