Knowledgebase: Website Hosting
Web Hosting, Billing, Domain Manager and Helpdesk logins are different ??
Posted by Michael, Last modified by Kim S. on 17 January 2016 06:53 PM

At we believe in information security. After purchasing any hosting plan or product we will provide separate logins for Billing, Web Hosting and Domain Manager.

You need to register yourself to access our support Helpdesk. You can't use hosting logins to access the HelpDesk.

Comments (1)
Stuart Marsh
05 April 2016 03:44 AM
Hi there, I set up my account on 3rd April but have yet to be sent my hosting login. I have confirmation of payment (receipt for Invoice 378322 generated on 04/03/2016) and an email that says I will get them but they have not come through yet. Can you tell me when I will get them?
Thanks Stu
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