Knowledgebase: Website Hosting
Can I create email accounts, databases, ftp accounts and subdomains on addon domains?
Posted by Michael, Last modified by Kim S. on 17 January 2016 06:49 PM

No. You can't create separate databases, ftp accounts and subdomains on addon domains becuase "addon domain" is simply a pointer to a sub directory of main website "public_html" folder. However email accounts can be created on addon doamins. You can still use FTP, databases from the main account for your addon domains. If you want totally separate control panel, email accounts, databases, ftp accounts and subdomains on addon domains then you will need to purchase "Addon One Domain" feature from  for $5 monthly fee.

Comments (1)
Dr. Hussein Saad
03 May 2016 07:29 AM
how do I create email accounts?
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