Knowledgebase: Billing Manager
How to Un-Block IP Address through Client area?
Posted by Gangadhar G, Last modified by Gangadhar G on 15 March 2016 07:22 AM

Blocked IP issues are one of the common support requests resolved by FastWebHost Support Techs. Every web hosting server will have a firewall which will monitor IP addresses for any suspected activity.

There are many symptoms and reasons for blocking your IP by firewall, here are few examples:

The most common symptom is the website owner reporting a “Connection timed out” error for Mail, Web, FTP or Control Panel services while the support team is able to access those services.

This usually happens in the following situations:

1) Your  email client has a very low “mail check interval” settings. 

2) The website owner failed to successfully authenticate in a mail, web, FTP or cPanel interface multiple times, leading the firewall to think it's a brute force attempt.

3) The web owner has an FTP client set with a very high number of simultaneous connections, causing the firewall to think the connection attempts is a denial of service attack.

4) A website update was interpreted as a hack attempt by the web application firewall (mod_security).

So whatever the reason for IP Block, you should get out of it. Right :)

Un-Blocking IP Address by yourself.

Step 1: Find your actual IP address.

Open, search for "what is my IP" and Google will give your Public IP address.
Remember IP address which will be used in Next Steps.

Step 2: Billing Login and Un-Block options

Login to your Account and Billing Area from below URL

Global or USD Billing:

India Billing:

Once you login, Click on menu options "Support" >> "UnBlock IP Address

It will automatically display your IP or enter IP address manually from Step 1.

Step 3:  Un-Block IP address

Just click the button "Check for IP block and Remove" .

Wait for few seconds to Unblock IP address. Bingo!!

If the above methods does not work for you for any reason, please open Helpdesk Support Ticket from

Our technical support executives will check your issue and offer solution asap.

We strongly believe in providing excellent customer support experience by educating our great customers and helping them at any time.

Thanks for your business and we love your feedback. :)

Best Regards,
Team FastWebHost 

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