How to setup VPS for web hosting, email and domain DNS services
Posted by RAJU K, Last modified by RAJU K on 02 February 2016 09:32 PM

Basic VPS Software:

By default, FastWebHost provides VPS with basic OS installation with unmanaged service.

You can use the server for any application hosting ( WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or any development apps) and customize it.

Things get complicated to setup domains on a plain server If you are not a Linux administrator or with limited Linux knowledge. If you are looking to host websites on your VPS, then we recommend to get/install control panel for your server.


Web-based Control Panels:

Web-based control panels are for system administration for Linux. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. 

The web control panels allow you to setup domains, install other software applications on the server with just a few clicks.

There are two types of web control panels, Licensed and Free panels. 

1) Licensed Web Panels like Cpanel ( we use this officially)

cPanel - Worlds #1 control panel for easy web hosting businesses.
You can get Cpanel License after placing an order. The Cpanel license costs $14.99 per month.

Open helpdesk ticket at, to generate an invoice for cPanel.

Webuzo -  

Webuzo License costs are $5 per month.

2) Free Web Control Panels (Open Source)

CentOS web panel - 
Kloxo -
zPanel -
webmin -
Ajenti -


Before installing any Control Panel on VPS, check OS Compatability and resource requirements.

In the case of Free Web Control panels, FastWebHost doesn't provide support for all third party applications.