Knowledgebase: Website Hosting
Account Suspension Help
Posted by kumar, Last modified by Kim S. on 04 February 2016 06:45 PM

Things to keep in mind to avoid account suspension:

    * Avoid hosting popular images or videos on your account
    * Avoid hosting high resources scripts and mySQL database calls
    * The use of more than 100,000 inodes on any shared account may potentially result in warning first and if no action is taken future suspension.
    * Do not host files that would violate copyright rules and regulations

If your account is suspended:

   1. You should have received an e-mail from support stating the reason for suspension. If you did not, please send an e-mail to with your account username.
   2. Delete files that could be the cause of extreme resource usage.
   3. Ask support to re-enable your account.

Explanation of Resource Usage: Shared servers (FastWebHost accounts) are only allotted 10% of the server's resources at any given time. This restriction is put in place to keep balance on the server without effecting other clients on the same machine. If your website were to receive a lot of traffic from one source in a short amount of time (such as from digg, slashdot, etc.), then it's highly likely that your account could be suspended. Images and Videos are usually to blame for account suspension as they naturally take up more resources to serve than html files, etc.

We try to do our best to alert you to the reason for suspension so that you can take the necessary steps to get your site turned back on as soon as possible. It's important that you have an e-mail address on file that is not part of your hosting account so that you can receive notifications such as these.

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