You can setup rules to instruct mail server what to with the messages received when it matches certain pattern you defined in the rules. For example, you can redirect messages with subject line starting with "Welcome" to another email address, or simply remove them. You can also instruct mail server to delete all messages that are being sent from an email address that you won't want to deal with etc. Email filters are flexible, handy and easy to setup.
To setup email filters, you can follow steps below :-
1. Login to your domain hosting account control panel. 2. Select Mail option and then Email Filters to activate the email filter maintenance screen. 3. Click the Add Filter to bring up the email filter setup screen. 4. There are a couple of drop down selection :- * In the first drop down box, select the parameter for the rule, you can select :- o Subject : The email subject line. o From : The sender of the email message. o To : The recipient of the email message. o Body : The body of the email message. o Any header : Use any header line in the evaluation process. o SpamAssassin Spam Header : A special header line inserted by spamassassin (if enabled) * In the second drop down box, which is the evaluation operator :- o Contains : matches the word in any location of the first parameter given in first drop down box. o Equals : Exact match. o Matches_regex : matches an expression given. o Begins_with : Word found at the beginning. * In third text field, enter the word that you are comparing. * In the lower text field, which is the action instruction if the rules set matches, enter Discard to remove the message matching the rule, or enter email address if you want to direct the matching messages to another email account 5. Click Activate to save the email filter rule.
You can now test the filter by entering a test message at the bottom of the email filter maintenance screen.`