WordPress is giving error: "Missing a temporary folder" while uploading image/media ?
Posted by Rupi Singh, Last modified by Rupi Singh on 11 June 2012 06:04 PM
WordPress is giving error on image upload : "image.jpg" has failed to upload due to an error "Missing a temporary folder."

If you are receiving this error please follow these simple  instructions below:

1. Create a "tmp" folder in your WordPress root directory with 777 permissions. This can be done by your FTP program.

2. Also create a "php.ini" file in same location.

3. Add the following in php.ini file:

upload_max_filesize = 16M
upload_tmp_dir = on
upload_tmp_dir = /home/username/public_html/wordpressDir/tmp

Please make sure to replace username with your hosting username, and wordpressDir with the directory name of your WordPress install.
If you have installed WordPress on your homepage then the path will be like: upload_tmp_dir = /home/username/public_html/tmp

4. Copy the same php.ini file to your wp_admin folder.

That's it.

Comments (14)
Leo Patnaik
18 August 2014 04:56 AM
Thanks at ton. It worked.
11 December 2014 07:06 PM
Finally! I spent 12 hours looks for this solution including two calls to Godaddy tech support. I even went back to see if I could update WP help forums, but all the topics are closed. Thx for this post.
Prasun Parihar
13 December 2014 04:16 AM
I tried the above method but still the problem is same. I can't upload the images plus can't import dummy data for a site.
Thank you
31 December 2014 02:07 AM
thanks loooooooot :)
27 January 2015 01:09 AM
prasun I was having same problem and find my solution in this post.. May be you can check it,if it helps

Is it right to give 777 permission to a directory?
10 March 2015 08:36 AM
I have followed the instructions but I don't know what my host username is.
Is it the same as the ftp username?

15 October 2015 12:47 AM
thanks you so much
Jagan Parida
24 October 2015 01:48 AM
Thanks a lot... :)
Tobby Johnson
04 November 2015 04:54 PM
It worked.........i went through hell before i read your post and it helped.thanks
Mridul Pahuja
27 December 2015 11:35 AM
I have no words to say. I was working on this problem from more than 1 month and every thing failed. Everything! But finally my files are uploading <3
A very very big thanks to this post.
Mehul Prajapati
22 January 2016 06:32 AM
Thanks a lot this process is working correctly ...but i have some problem in plugin download like this---
Warning: unlink(/tmp/login-logo.0.7-8zqM8s.tmp): No such file or directory in /home/ruchimandal/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 481
Download failed. Could not open handle for fopen() to /tmp/login-logo.0.7-8zqM8s.tmp

please help me out of this problem ...
vasim vanzara
12 March 2016 02:05 AM
Its working thanks for help.You save my day.
Mohammad Zafeer Khan
16 July 2016 09:15 AM
Thanks good Idea my is solve.
Ana Lopez
19 September 2016 08:13 PM
It didn´t worked out for me... :(
I´ve tried to force the routes through the php.ini archive and wp-config and nothing seems to work, although upgrades and plugins install correctly
I´ve migrated the wordpress to my host twice, one with the regular wordpress installation and the other with duplicator and it seems there´s no fix for this...
I´m totally on despair now...

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